Sunday, October 21, 2012

A special Sunday

So many special things to be thankful for this day.  First off today is a day that our family looks forward to as our first son Hudson would be 7.  Although tears are shed every time I think of him and how much I miss him I have to say it is such a blessing knowing that you have a child that is waiting in Heaven for you.  With this knowledge it gives our family the desire to work together, make good choices and prepare to see him again.

Today was also a special day for another very special reason.  My husband was asked to be 2nd counselor in the Bishopric which is a huge responsibility but I know he will be fantastic at it.  Because of this responsibility we wanted my dad there  with us and wanted him to  ordain Ryan to be a High priest.  It really was a very special Sabbath day!


Natalie Smith said...

Great post. Highs and lows... For the emotions! Congrats on a great calling!