Wednesday, September 24, 2008

SLEEP? Whats that?????

I don't know if any of you have experienced a night like this.

8:30 start our bedtime routine with hunter so ryan and I get a few minutes together before bed.

9:30 hunter is asleep

10:30 ryan and I go to bed

11:30 hunter is up

11:40 hunter is asleep

12:00 hunter is up (maybe he is hungry???? Nope, he doesn't want a bottle just wants to cuddle)
12:30 hunter is asleep mom goes to lay down. Just as my head hits the pillow!!!!!

12:40 NOT

1:00 hunter just wants to play, do I let him scream???? Yes

2:00 Ok hunter is still not asleep

2:30 hunter wants to laugh at me hysterically

2:40 hunter is still awake

3:00 ryan saves the night

3:15 hunter and ryan end up in our bed. Ryan starts to snore instantly hunter is laughing and playing.

3:30 hunter and I are still working on getting him to bed

4:00 mom says forget this, we are just going to start our day

4:30 hunter is not interested in eating he just wants to read

5:00 hunter and I play with the camera until it dies at 5:30. (here are some fun shots)

6:00 still playing and reading tons of books. (what is his deal)

6:30 hunter crashes and so does MOM

10:00 mom surfaces and hunter and dad are playing and I get to give ryan a hard time about SAVING ME LAST NIGHT!!!!!

May all of your nights sleep be a bit more restful :)



Odelsa said...

That absolutely sounds like my night last night. Except my three kids were up at all different hours of the night and not together. Crazy! At least you got to sleep a bit, Me? well, I'm surviving.

Happy packing my dear. So excited to see you here in the next few months or so.

Genevieve said...

i guess nights like these are what i have to look forward to! :) least you got some cute pics out of it!

The Swanson Family said...

arg! I hate those nights, and love them at the same time once and a while... when they are in a super happy mood it is somehow ok to be up all night.

Catherine said...

I have yet to enjoy those wee hours of the night with a little one...but I'm still looking forward to it.

Also you've been "tagged"... see my blog for details. Can't wait to hear how things have been!!