Tuesday, May 4, 2010


One thing in life my family has been dearly blessed with is good Dogs! For those of you who do not like animals YOU ARE DEARLY MISSING OUT! Dogs are truly mans best friend and they love you endlessly! Over my lifetime I have had many dogs and we all know they can't live forever! Sadly you get attached to each one of them and then you have to say goodbye! But in the end I think you gained more in LIFE from those animals than they could ever gain from us! Sierra is my parents dog that they have had since they adopted her about 7 years ago! (We think she was about 4 when adopted) Sierra started out as a very skittish dog afraid of almost everyone but my mom! It took her about a year before she became one VERY good dog! In the past 6 months sierra has suffered from what the vet's think is sinus cancer! After months of anti-biotics and loving care she passed away late last night! We are sad to see such a great part of the family go! Also a few months back my mother-in-law lost her wonderful Lab companion after 10 years of love and life together. I do wish dogs lived forever! I hate saying good bye to them! Hunter loves Sierra and as you can see she did not mind him one bit as well!

Also just had to include something that happened later after Hunter found out about Sierra's Passing.

Hunter grabs his fire enging (grandpa is a fireman)
I say, "Hunter, what are you doing?"
Hunter says, "mom I going to Heaven to save Sierra!"

That was so sweet, sad and cute all at the same time!


Natalie Smith said...

OHHHH...I am so sorry! :(

The Swanson Family said...

so sorry for your loss! dogs are truly the best of all animals...

Evelyn said...

I am so sorry!! When Jake's parents lost their dog a few years ago, it was only one of 3 times I've seen him cry. They're truly a part of the family!!

I love precious Hunter!!

Catherine said...

Dogs ARE the best! I don't know what I'll do if my Sydney ever goes away. I am sorry for both your parents and MIL's loss of their sweeties. I know that their memories will go on forever.